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Miami is also host to many fashion shows and events, including the annual Miami Fashion Week and the Mercedes Benz Fashion week Miami, a global fashion festival which attracts millions of spectators from around the world to the metropolis.,I had never heard of wooden ties or wooden bow ties until around two years ago when I saw a stall dedicated to them at a Christmas market in London. At first I thought they were no more than a new type of novelty tie, in other words no person wearing one could be taken seriously. Ever since my first impression however, I have gradually started to believe and see how they really may be on right track to becoming the next major male fashion trend.As I said, I first came across these ties over two years ago. The wooden tie stall at the Christmas market was always busy and had a constant stream of people fascinated by the concept. People were all over the ties and appeared to be getting very excited at the prospect of buying some for themselves or for relatives or friends as Christmas gifts. There were a lot of different designs of wooden ties and wooden bow ties including plain designs, stripe designs, pattern designs, colour designs and abstract designs. There were far too many different designs to count but there would have been easily over 50 different designs of ties. Just like the novelty tie, these seemed to make perfect Christmas gifts, I just wasn't sure if it was any more than this and whether or not they would ever be found in a store outside a Christmas market.I believe that the difference between these wooden ties being a new fashion trend or a fad is whether they actually look good on people. What didn't occur to me when I first saw them at the Christmas fair was that they can actually look great on a lot of people. They are versatile and can look good in both formal and social occasions. From what I've heard and seen, people from all walks of life can pull off wearing them. I have seen high end party goers wear them, teachers at school, creative people such as designers, interviewees - I've even heard of lawyers and investment bankers wearing them to work too. The irony is that the vast majority of these people wear wooden ties and wooden bow ties in order to look good and be taken seriously. I have heard several people say that they help them stand out in a good way and stick out from the crowd. As a result, I have heard that they are particularly good for job interviews.From walking around London, there are definitely a lot more of these ties around then two years ago where I hardly noticed any. If the increase in popularity for these wooden ties and bow ties that I have observed can continue at this rate into the future then I really do believe that we have a new long term fashion on our hands. If not then they may just be another short term fad – although in this case I very much doubt it since they look so good on so many people. "womens moncler coats,"how can you tell if uggs are fake,"do uggs come in half sizes